Understanding Time Extensions

In construction projects, delays are inevitable. Time extensions provide relief for both the contractor and the homeowner in case of unforeseeable events that cause delays in completing the project. Time extensions refer to the additional time granted to a contractor to complete the project beyond the agreed completion date. It is important to understand the conditions, rights, and obligations surrounding time extensions to avoid disputes between parties involved.

Most construction contracts include clauses that allow contractors to request time extensions for various reasons. These reasons can include weather delays, material delivery delays, or changes in the scope of work. However, it is important to note that these extensions are not automatic and require a formal request and approval process. A contractor must provide evidence to show that external factors, and not their own underperformance, caused the delay.

Understanding the contractor’s rights and obligations relating to time extensions can help to avoid disputes and ensure that the project is completed within a reasonable timeframe.

Reasons for Requesting Time Extensions

As a builder, there are several reasons why you might need to request a time extension. In most cases, these delays are outside your control and have a significant impact on the project’s timeline. 

Here are some common reasons why a builder might need to request a time extension:

  1. Adverse weather conditions: Extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain or high winds, can delay construction work, especially if they cause damage to the site or make it unsafe for workers to continue.
  2. Delays in material delivery: Sometimes, delays in the delivery of essential materials can hold up a project, especially if the materials are custom-made or have long lead times.
  3. Changes in the scope of work: If the owner requests changes or additions to the project scope, this can impact the timeline and require additional time to complete.
  4. Labour disputes: Any labour disputes, such as strikes or other disruptions, can cause delays to the project timeline.
  5. Unforeseen site conditions: Sometimes, unforeseen site conditions can arise that require additional work or change the project’s scope, which can lead to time extensions.

As a builder, it’s important to understand the reasons why time extensions may be necessary and to communicate these reasons effectively to the homeowner or other parties involved in the project.

The Contractor's Rights and Obligations

The contractor has several rights and obligations when it comes to requesting and granting time extensions. These are important to understand to avoid any disputes down the track.

Firstly, the contractor has the right to request an extension of time for certain causes of delay as set out in the contract. However, it is important to note that many contracts include tight limits on when extensions of time can be granted, so the contractor must carefully follow any procedure for requesting an extension of time.

The contractor also has the obligation to provide evidence to show that external factors, and not their own underperformance, caused the delay. The request for an extension of time should be made in writing to the other party and should include details of the additional days needed to complete the work, when and how the delay occurred, any steps taken to avoid the delay or deal with its cause, and an updated schedule of when the work will be completed.

It is also the contractor’s obligation to give a certain period of notice to the other party to the contract when requesting an extension of time. This notice period is typically set out in the contract and can range from a few days to several weeks, depending on the nature and cause of the delay.

If the contractor fails to follow the proper procedure for requesting an extension of time or does not provide sufficient evidence to show that external factors caused the delay, the other party may dispute the extension of time. In this case, it is important for the contractor to provide clear and compelling evidence to support their request.

Additionally, the contractor has the obligation to continue to work diligently and complete the project as soon as reasonably possible, even with an extension of time. They must also ensure that the quality of the work remains at a high standard and that they comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

Overall, understanding the contractor’s rights and obligations relating to time extensions is essential for avoiding disputes and ensuring that the project is completed successfully and on time.

Giving Notice for Time Extensions

Once a contractor has identified a delay that they believe justifies a time extension, they must provide notice to the other party to the contract. This notice should be in writing and include details of the additional days needed to complete the work, when and how the delay occurred, any steps taken to avoid the delay or deal with its cause, and an updated schedule of when the work will be completed. Most contracts will include a requirement to give a certain period of notice to the other party to the contract, and failure to provide notice can result in the contractor losing their entitlement to an extension of time. It is important that the contractor follows any procedure for requesting an extension of time as set out in the contract to avoid any disputes down the track.

Consequences of Not Following Procedures

Not following the correct procedures for time extensions can result in serious consequences for the contractor. Failure to provide proper notice of the need for an extension, or proceeding with work beyond the approved building period without an extension of time, may lead to claims of breach of contract or termination of the contract by the owner. Additionally, the contractor may be liable for damages or penalties if they fail to comply with the procedures outlined in the contract. It is important for contractors to be aware of their obligations and to follow the proper procedures to avoid costly legal disputes or damage to their reputation.


In conclusion, it is important for builders to understand their rights and obligations when it comes to time extensions. Failure to follow the correct procedures can have significant consequences, including the loss of the right to claim for an extension and potential liability for damages. As a solicitor and construction lawyer with over 10 years of experience, I have advised and represented numerous clients in the construction industry, including homeowners and builders, regarding Extension of Time. If you need legal advice or representation in this area, please do not hesitate to contact me. As always, it is crucial to seek professional legal advice in construction matters to protect your rights and interests.