Construction Lawyer & Building Solicitors Sydney | Contracts Specialist Law Firm

Construction Solicitor Articles

Here are articles that can help shed light on your queries and make
you decide to talk to the construction solicitors of Contracts Specialist today.
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Deed of Assignment vs Novation: A Comprehensive Guide

Deed of assignment and novation are two legal tools used to transfer contractual rights and obligations from one party to another. While both serve similar purposes, they differ in their implications and the extent of the transfer of rights and obligations. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key differences between the deeds of assignment and novation and provide insights into their respective uses.

NCAT Home Building Dispute Preparation

Preparing for an NCAT home building dispute can be a daunting task, but it is essential to be well-prepared to increase your chances of a successful outcome. This section will provide an overview of the preparation process, including gathering evidence and documentation, engaging expert witnesses, and preparing for the tribunal hearing.

Experts’ Joint Report in NCAT Building Disputes

When a building dispute arises, it is not uncommon for parties to call upon expert witnesses to provide evidence to support their case. In the context of NCAT building disputes, expert evidence can be presented in various ways, including in the form of an Experts’ Joint Report. In this article, we will explore the concept of an Experts’ Joint Report in NCAT building disputes and its relevance to dispute resolution.

NCAT Appeal Panel: Expert Witness Evidence Case Analysis and Makita v Sprowles

The NCAT Appeal panel made 2 recent decisions that expert witnesses should be aware of. In this article, we analyse the 2 Appeal Panel decisions of:

  1. Vidler v Northern Rivers Landscaping; and
  2. Vujica v TNM Roofing

To assist expert witnesses who practise in NCAT, we provide an analysis of one of landmark decisions that Courts and Tribunals refer to when considering whether to accept, reject, or assess the weight of expert witness evidence. In particular, we analyse the principles of Makita v Sprowles.

The Homeowner’s Guide to Lodging a Home Building Application with NCAT

Lodging a home building application with the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) can be a daunting task. In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide for homeowners to navigate the process successfully. We’ll cover the essential steps to take before lodging an application, the key requirements, the procedural guideline requirements, and what to expect after submitting your application to help you resolve your residential building disputes.

Navigating NCAT Disputes with Contractors for Building Defects: A Guide for Homeowners

When homeowners face issues with contractors regarding building defects, it can be a challenging and frustrating experience. The New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) offers a dispute resolution service to help homeowners and contractors resolve such disagreements. This short guide aims to provide helpful information to homeowners on how to navigate the NCAT dispute process and achieve a fair outcome.

Understanding the Australian Building Framework: A Guide for Homeowners in NCAT Disputes

For homeowners engaged in a dispute with a contractor over building defects, understanding the regulatory framework of the Building Code of Australia (BCA), National Construction Code (NCC), and Australian Standards can be invaluable. This short guide aims to provide homeowners with essential information on these regulations and their implications in navigating an NCAT dispute over building defects.

The Complete Handbook for Homeowners: Navigating Construction Law in New South Wales

If you’re a homeowner in New South Wales, it’s crucial to understand Construction Law to protect your investment. This ultimate guide to Construction Law is specifically designed to provide homeowners with essential insights into the legal landscape of home building in NSW.

The Complete Handbook for Homeowners: Navigating Construction Law in New South Wales

If you’re a homeowner in New South Wales, it’s crucial to understand Construction Law to protect your investment. This ultimate guide to Construction Law is specifically designed to provide homeowners with essential insights into the legal landscape of home building in NSW.
