Construction Lawyer & Building Solicitors Sydney | Contracts Specialist Law Firm

Construction Solicitor Articles

Here are articles that can help shed light on your queries and make
you decide to talk to the construction solicitors of Contracts Specialist today.
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Understanding Latent Conditions in Construction: A Homeowner’s Guide

Homeowners may encounter ‘latent conditions’ in their contract – unforeseeable physical issues that cause delays and extra costs. As a construction lawyer, I advise on legal implications. This guide covers what they are, who’s responsible, and options. We’ll explore common latent conditions in new builds and renovations, and ways to avoid costs. Be equipped to handle challenges during your residential project.

Understanding the Hot Tub Process in NCAT Home Building Disputes

If you are a homeowner involved in a home building dispute in the NCAT (New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal), you may have heard the term “hot tub” being used in the context of expert evidence. While this term may sound confusing, it refers to a unique process that can help expedite the resolution of your dispute.

Managing Risks in Construction: The Role of Dilapidation Reports in Preventing Third-Party Disputes

When undertaking any construction project, there are always risks involved, particularly when it comes to damaging council property or utility assets. Not only can this lead to costly legal action and disputes, but it can also cause safety hazards and reputational damage for builders and homeowners alike. To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to take the necessary precautions and obtain a dilapidation report before beginning any construction work.

Frustration of Construction Contracts in NSW

This article will help provide NSW homeowners with a comprehensive guide on how to navigate events that result in frustration of a construction contract . Disputes involving construction contract can have serious legal consequences for homeowners, and it is essential to understand how to avoid them. Our goal is to equip homeowners with the knowledge necessary to navigate construction contracts successfully and avoid legal disputes.

Contractors Debt Recovery Process: How to Get Your Rightful Payment

Are you tired of chasing payments for work you’ve already completed? Do you find yourself struggling to recover debt owed to you? In this article, we will discuss the importance of debt recovery, the NSW debt recovery flowchart, and the Security of Payment Act. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of the debt recovery process and how it can benefit you.

Deed of Guarantee in NSW Construction Projects

Building a home in NSW? You may want to add a layer of financial protection by executing a Deed of Guarantee. This article is a guide on everything you need to know, and why you might need to execute one. After all, home building is a huge investment, and it’s always a good idea to manage the risks involved.

Risks and Benefits for Builders and Owners under Variations Clause

As one of the most important clauses in the NSW HIA Lump Sum contract, Clause 18 governs variations to the contract scope of work. While variations are often necessary to accommodate changes or unexpected issues during construction, they can also lead to disputes between builders and owners. This article will determine the potential risks and benefits of Clause 18 for both builders and owners.

Practical Benefits of Variations Clause 18 - Featured Image

Practical Benefits of Variations Clause 18 under HIA NSW Contract

Home building contracts are important documents that govern the relationship between builders and homeowners. However, disputes can arise during the construction process when the parties have different expectations. To mitigate these disputes, the NSW HIA Lump Sum contract includes Clause 18, which requires variations to be in writing and signed by both parties. This article will provide an overview of the practical benefits of Clause 18 in mitigating disputes in home building contracts.

The Complete Handbook for Homeowners: Navigating Construction Law in New South Wales

If you’re a homeowner in New South Wales, it’s crucial to understand Construction Law to protect your investment. This ultimate guide to Construction Law is specifically designed to provide homeowners with essential insights into the legal landscape of home building in NSW.

The Complete Handbook for Homeowners: Navigating Construction Law in New South Wales

If you’re a homeowner in New South Wales, it’s crucial to understand Construction Law to protect your investment. This ultimate guide to Construction Law is specifically designed to provide homeowners with essential insights into the legal landscape of home building in NSW.
