Background of the Case

The background of the case involves the construction of a new home in New South Wales, Australia, by the plaintiff, Mr. Bajimaya, and the defendant, Reward Homes Pty Ltd. The construction of the house began in 2014, and the contract was signed between the parties in 2015. The agreement stated that the construction would be completed by October 2015, but the defendant failed to finish the work within the agreed timeframe.

After several delays, the plaintiff received the keys to the house in December 2016, but he soon noticed several defects in the construction, including incomplete work, poor workmanship, and non-compliance with the building code. The plaintiff notified the defendant of these defects and requested rectification, but the defendant failed to address them promptly. The plaintiff then sought legal action against the defendant, claiming compensation for the cost of rectification and other damages.

Legal Issues and Analysis

The legal issues in the case of Bajimaya v. Reward Homes Pty Ltd [2021] NSWCATAP 297 primarily centred around whether the builder had breached its contractual obligations to the homeowner, Mr. Bajimaya, and whether Mr. Bajimaya was entitled to compensation for the defects in the construction of his home.

The tribunal found that Reward Homes Pty Ltd had breached its contract with Mr. Bajimaya by failing to complete the work in a proper and workmanlike manner, failing to comply with the plans and specifications, and failing to comply with the Building Code of Australia. Specifically, the tribunal found that the workmanship was of a poor standard, there were defects in the waterproofing, tiling, and brickwork, and the home was not constructed in accordance with the approved plans.

The tribunal also found that Mr. Bajimaya was entitled to compensation for the defects in his home. The compensation included the cost of rectifying the defects, the cost of alternate accommodations, and a deduction from the purchase price of the property due to the defects.

The analysis of the legal issues in this case highlights the importance of having a clear and comprehensive contract between the homeowner and the builder, as well as ensuring that the work is completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and in compliance with the Building Code of Australia. It also emphasises the need for homeowners to seek legal advice and representation when dealing with disputes with builders or construction companies.

Key Takeaways

The case of Bajimaya v. Reward Homes Pty Ltd [2021] NSWCATAP 297 highlights some important lessons that can be learned by both homeowners and builders. One of the key takeaways is the importance of understanding building contracts and warranties. Homeowners must ensure that they fully understand the terms of the building contract and that all the necessary warranties are in place. Builders, on the other hand, should ensure that their contracts are clear and unambiguous and that they have the necessary insurance to cover any defects or damage to the property.

Another important lesson that can be learned from this case is the importance of seeking legal advice before entering into construction contracts. A residential construction lawyer can review the contract and identify any clauses that may be unfair or unclear, as well as provide advice on the builder’s obligations and the homeowner’s rights. Seeking legal advice before entering into a contract can help prevent disputes from arising and ensure that both parties are fully aware of their obligations and rights.


In conclusion, the Bajimaya v. Reward Homes Pty Ltd case highlights the importance of having a thorough understanding of building contracts and warranties in residential construction projects. The case also underscores the significance of seeking legal advice before entering into such contracts to avoid potential legal disputes.

The outcome of the case serves as a reminder that builders and homeowners alike should pay close attention to the details of their contracts, including any warranties and dispute resolution provisions. This ensures that both parties understand their respective rights and obligations and can avoid disputes and costly litigation in the future.

Ultimately, the case underscores the importance of obtaining proper legal guidance from a residential construction lawyer to protect one’s interests and ensure that the terms of the contract are fair and reasonable. With proper legal advice, homeowners and builders can enter into construction contracts with greater confidence and peace of mind, knowing that they are protected in the event of a dispute.