Understanding Extension of Time

Before delving into the common reasons for disputing a notification of an extension of time, it’s important to first understand what an extension of time means in the context of a construction project. An extension of time is a provision in a building contract that allows the builder or contractor to request more time to complete the project beyond the originally agreed-upon completion date. This request is usually made due to circumstances outside their control that have caused delays to the project.

Extensions of time are typically granted when the delay is caused by factors such as weather conditions, changes to the design or scope of the project, or unanticipated site conditions. However, it’s important to note that extensions of time are not automatically granted and must be agreed upon by both parties in the contract. If the builder or contractor is at fault for the delay, the homeowner may be entitled to compensation in the form of liquidated damages.

It’s also important to note that extensions of time can have a significant impact on the project timeline, budget, and overall completion date. Therefore, it’s crucial for homeowners to have a clear understanding of the circumstances in which an extension of time can be granted, as well as the potential consequences of agreeing to one.

Common Reasons for Disputing Extension of Time

As a homeowner, you might receive a notification from the builder that they are claiming an extension of time. This is an issue that can cause disputes between homeowners and builders. It is important to understand that not all claims for an extension of time are reasonable, and there are certain situations in which you can dispute the claim.

One common reason for disputing an extension of time is when the cause of delay is the fault of the builder. The builder might try to claim an extension of time due to factors that they are responsible for, such as poor planning or not allocating sufficient resources to the project. In this case, the homeowner has the right to dispute the claim.

Another reason for disputing an extension of time is when the cause of the delay is due to an issue that was foreseeable or could have been avoided. For instance, if the builder failed to order materials on time, causing delays in the project, then the homeowner may dispute the claim for an extension of time.

It is also common for builders to claim an extension of time due to variations or changes in the project requested by the homeowner. However, if the variations requested were not substantial or did not cause significant delays, then the homeowner may dispute the claim for an extension of time.

Furthermore, it is important to review the contract to ensure that the builder has followed the correct procedures for claiming an extension of time. If the builder has not followed the correct procedures, then the homeowner may dispute the claim.

Lastly, if the builder has failed to provide sufficient evidence to support their claim for an extension of time, then the homeowner may dispute the claim. The builder should provide evidence that the cause of delay was outside their control, and that they took all necessary steps to mitigate the delay.

In conclusion, there are various reasons for disputing a claim for an extension of time, and it is important for homeowners to understand their rights in these situations. If you believe that the builder’s claim for an extension of time is unjustified, then you should seek legal advice and explore your options for disputing the claim.

Delays Caused by the Contractor

If a contractor causes a delay in a construction project, they may not be entitled to an extension of time. This is because the principle in construction contracts is that a party cannot benefit from their own breach of the contract. Therefore, the contractor cannot ask for an extension of time to avoid paying liquidated damages if the delay was caused by their own underperformance. However, if the contractor can prove that the delay was caused by external factors beyond their control, such as delivery of materials being delayed or bad weather conditions, they may still be able to claim an extension of time. It is important for the contractor to have evidence to support their claim and to show that they are otherwise performing well on the project. If the contractor is not entitled to an extension of time, they may be liable to pay liquidated damages to the homeowner.

In conclusion, if you are a homeowner and find yourself in a dispute over an extension of time, it is important to take the appropriate steps to protect your legal rights. Remember to carefully review your contract and seek legal advice before responding to a notification of an extension of time. As a solicitor and construction lawyer with more than 10 years of experience in construction law, I have advised and represented numerous homeowners and builders in NSW, VIC, and QLD, Australia, regarding Extension of Time. I can provide you with the necessary legal advice and representation to protect your interests in any dispute related to Extension of Time. Don’t hesitate to contact me for legal assistance in this area.

Delays Caused by the Homeowner

Delays in construction projects are not always caused by the contractor. There are instances where the homeowner causes delays, which can lead to disputes over extension of time. One of the most common reasons for delays caused by the homeowner is the late or non-payment of progress payments.

Homeowners must ensure that they make timely payments for work completed by the contractor. Failure to pay on time can cause delays in the project, as the contractor may have to halt work until payment is received. This can lead to a delay in the project’s completion, and the contractor may require an extension of time to finish the work.

Another reason for delays caused by the homeowner is making changes to the project scope. Homeowners may decide to change the design or request additional work, which can cause delays in the project’s completion. Such changes may require the contractor to order new materials, adjust their schedule, or engage additional subcontractors.

To avoid disputes over delays caused by the homeowner, it is essential to ensure that all changes to the project scope are agreed upon in writing and the payment schedule is reviewed to ensure prompt payment.

Disputes over the Cause of the Delay

Disputes over the cause of delay can arise when the homeowner and the builder or contractor disagree on the reason for the delay. This can occur if the homeowner believes that the delay is due to the builder or contractor’s actions, while the builder or contractor may believe that the delay is due to circumstances beyond their control.

In these situations, it is important to review the construction contract carefully to determine who is responsible for the delay. If the contract does not provide guidance on this issue, it may be necessary to seek legal advice to determine how to proceed.

It is also important to document the cause of the delay and any discussions or negotiations between the parties. This can help to establish a clear record of the dispute and may be useful if legal action is necessary.

If the dispute cannot be resolved between the parties, it may be necessary to seek the assistance of a mediator or arbitrator to help reach a resolution. Mediation and arbitration are alternative dispute resolution processes that can be less time-consuming and less expensive than going to court.

Disputes over the Length of the Extension

Another common reason for disputing a notification of an extension of time is the length of the extension itself. While both parties can agree to an extension of time, there may be disagreements as to the length of time requested or granted. Homeowners may dispute a contractor’s request for an extension of time if they believe it is excessive or unreasonable, and contractors may dispute a homeowner’s denial of an extension if they believe it is necessary for the completion of the project.

In these situations, it is important to review the contract and any relevant documentation, such as schedules and progress reports, to determine the appropriate length of the extension. It is also essential to communicate effectively and openly with the other party to understand their perspective and concerns.

If a dispute over the length of the extension cannot be resolved, it may be necessary to seek outside help, such as a mediator or lawyer, to reach a resolution.

Steps to Take When Disputing an Extension of Time

If a homeowner believes that a builder’s extension of time claim is unjustified, the homeowner should take certain steps to protect their interests. These steps include:

  1. Review the Contract: Check the contract to see what is required when disputing an extension of time. Some contracts require written notice or mediation before litigation can be pursued.
  2. Seek Legal Advice: Engage an experienced construction lawyer who can provide legal advice on your options, rights, and responsibilities. A lawyer can also advise on dispute resolution mechanisms available under the contract, such as mediation or arbitration.
  3. Gather Evidence: Collect evidence to support your claim that the extension of time is not justified. This may include correspondence, photographs, invoices, and other documents that show that the delay was not caused by you, but by the builder.
  4. Negotiate: Consider negotiating a compromise with the builder or contractor. A compromise may include a shorter extension of time or alternative compensation.
  5. Take Legal Action: If negotiations fail, consider pursuing legal action through the courts or an alternative dispute resolution mechanism such as arbitration or adjudication.

By taking these steps, homeowners can increase their chances of resolving disputes over extensions of time in a fair and cost-effective manner.


In conclusion, if you are a homeowner and find yourself in a dispute over an extension of time, it is important to take the appropriate steps to protect your legal rights. Remember to carefully review your contract and seek legal advice before responding to a notification of an extension of time. As a solicitor and construction lawyer with more than 10 years of experience in construction law, I have advised and represented numerous homeowners and builders in NSW, VIC, and QLD, Australia regarding Extension of Time. I can provide you with the necessary legal advice and representation to protect your interests in any dispute related to Extension of Time. Don’t hesitate to contact me for legal assistance in this area.