Identifying Building Defects

Building defects can vary from minor issues like peeling paint to more significant structural problems, such as faulty foundations. When identifying building defects, consider the following steps:

Identifying Building Defects

Building defects can vary from minor issues like peeling paint to more significant structural problems, such as faulty foundations. When identifying building defects, consider the following steps:

Document the defects:

Take photos, write detailed descriptions, and gather any relevant documents, such as contracts, plans, and reports.

Consult with an expert:

Seek the advice of a qualified building inspector or engineer to evaluate the defects and provide an expert opinion on the cause and required rectification work.

Communicating with the Contractor

Before proceeding to NCAT, try to resolve the issue with your contractor directly:

Contact the contractor:

Reach out to the contractor, discuss the defects, and express your concerns.

Provide evidence:

Share the documentation and expert opinion you have gathered to support your claim.

Request rectification:

Ask the contractor to rectify the defects within a reasonable timeframe.

Initiating an NCAT Dispute

If you cannot reach an agreement with your contractor, consider filing an application with NCAT:

Check your eligibility:

Ensure that your claim falls within NCAT’s jurisdiction and meets the necessary timeframes.

Request rectification:

Ask the contractor to rectify the defects within a reasonable timeframe.

Complete the application:

Fill out the application form, providing details about the defects, evidence, and desired outcome.
Submit the application along with the required fees and supporting documents.
Present your case before the Tribunal, ensuring that you have all necessary evidence and documentation.

Preparing for the NCAT Hearing

To maximise your chances of a favourable outcome, take the following steps in preparation for your NCAT hearing:

Organise your evidence:

Compile all documents, photographs, expert reports, and any other relevant information.

Practise your presentation:

Prepare a clear and concise explanation of the defects, the steps you have taken to resolve the issue, and the outcome you seek.

Be ready to answer questions: Familiarise yourself with the details of your case, as the Tribunal may ask questions during the hearing.

Resolve Your Building Dispute Now

Expert building dispute resolution is just a step away. Connect with our expert building dispute lawyer and start your journey to resolution.

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Step 1: Simply fill out this form, upload your contract and any other dispute-related details.

Step 2: We’ll review it and return to you with a free quote.

Get an Expert Building Dispute Lawyer and Resolve Your Home Building Dispute Now. 


Dealing with building defects and disputes with contractors can be a stressful and time-consuming process for homeowners. By understanding the NCAT dispute process, effectively communicating with the contractor, and adequately preparing for the hearing, you can increase your chances of a fair resolution. Remember that expert advice and legal counsel can also provide valuable support throughout the process.