Examples of Prime Cost Items

Bathroom Fixtures

Description: Bathroom fixtures such as toilets, sinks, and showers are often included as prime cost items due to the wide range of options and prices available. This allows homeowners to select high-quality fixtures without disrupting the project budget.

Real-Life Scenario: In a residential construction project, the contract includes a prime cost item of $5,000 for bathroom fixtures. During the project, the homeowner selects premium fixtures totaling $4,800, staying within the allocated budget and ensuring high-quality finishes.

Kitchen Appliances

Description: Kitchen appliances like stoves, ovens, and refrigerators are common prime cost items. These appliances can vary significantly in cost based on brand, features, and specifications.

Real-Life Scenario: A new home build includes a prime cost item of $10,000 for kitchen appliances. The homeowner chooses high-end appliances, costing $9,500. This flexibility allows for the selection of desired features while remaining within the budget.

Lighting Fixtures

Description: Custom or high-end lighting options are frequently treated as prime cost items to allow for flexibility in design and budgeting.

Real-Life Scenario: In a commercial office fit-out, a prime cost item of $7,000 is allocated for lighting fixtures. The final selection includes designer fixtures that cost $6,800, allowing the project to incorporate unique lighting solutions without exceeding the budget.

Flooring Materials

Description: Choices for flooring, such as hardwood, tile, or carpet, often fall under prime cost items because of the variability in cost and preference.

Real-Life Scenario: A renovation project includes a prime cost item of $12,000 for flooring materials. The homeowner selects high-quality hardwood flooring costing $11,500, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal within the budget.


Description: Custom kitchen or bathroom cabinets are usually included as prime cost items due to their significant impact on the overall budget and design.

Real-Life Scenario: In a luxury home construction, a prime cost item of $15,000 is set for kitchen cabinetry. The selected custom cabinets cost $14,500, providing a personalised and high-end kitchen finish while maintaining financial control.

How Prime Cost Items are Applied in Construction

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Initial Estimation: The contractor provides an estimated allowance for each prime cost item based on preliminary discussions with the client.
  2. Contract Specification: Each prime cost item is clearly listed in the contract with an allocated amount.
  3. Selection and Pricing: During the project, the client selects the specific items, and their actual costs are documented and compared to the estimated amounts.
  4. Adjustment and Documentation: If the actual cost differs from the estimate, adjustments are made to the project budget, and detailed records are maintained.

Benefits and Challenges


  • Flexibility: Allows for the selection of high-quality materials and fixtures without compromising the overall budget.
  • Customization: Enables clients to choose items that meet their specific preferences and needs.
  • Financial Control: Provides a clear budget framework while allowing for necessary adjustments during the project.


  • Cost Variability: Prices of selected items may vary significantly, requiring careful management to stay within budget.
  • Approval Process: Changes in prime cost items require approval from stakeholders, which can cause delays.
  • Documentation: Requires detailed record-keeping to ensure transparency and avoid disputes.


Understanding specific examples of prime cost items is essential for effective construction project management. By providing flexibility and financial control, prime cost items help ensure the selection of high-quality materials and fixtures that meet client preferences. For more detailed information and practical advice, visit our Comprehensive Guide to Prime Cost Items in Construction.