Common Types of Deeds of Assignment

When it comes to transferring ownership or rights to another person or entity, one of the most common legal instruments used is a deed of assignment. There are different types of deeds of assignment, and each serves a specific purpose.
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Don’t risk leaving out essential clauses in your Deed of Assignment. Download our checklist today and ensure your assignment is legally enforceable. Contact our construction law firm for expert assistance and personalised guidance.

Absolute Assignment

An absolute assignment is a transfer of ownership rights and benefits from one party to another. It is often used to transfer payment rights for work done from the contractor to the sub-contractor.

Partial Assignment

Unlike an absolute assignment, a partial assignment only transfers a portion of the rights and interest in a property or asset. A partial assignment is a transfer of specific rights and benefits rather than a full transfer of ownership. In construction, it is common for subcontractors to assign the right to receive payment for specific work or materials.

Conditional Assignment

A conditional assignment is a transfer of rights and benefits that are contingent on certain conditions being met. This type of assignment is often used when the payment is dependent on the completion of certain milestones or delivery of specific materials.

Collateral Assignment

A collateral assignment is a transfer of ownership of a property or asset as collateral for a debt or obligation. In construction, it is common to secure payment for a project using property or other assets as collateral.

These types of deeds of assignment have specific legal implications and requirements, which is why it is important to seek professional advice before entering into any agreement. By choosing the right type of deed of assignment, the construction industry can protect its interests and ensure that their rights are upheld.

Choosing the Right Type of Assignment

To ensure the appropriate type of deed of assignment is selected, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the unique needs and circumstances of all parties involved. Consider the following factors:

Factors to Consider

  • The purpose of the assignment: Is it to transfer ownership or simply to transfer rights to receive payment?
  • The nature of the assignment: Is it absolute, partial, conditional, or collateral?
  • The type of contract being assigned: Is it a simple contract or a complex one with multiple parties and obligations?
  • The risks involved: Are there any potential liabilities or uncertainties associated with the assignment?
Get Your Deed of Assignment Checklist Now!
Don’t risk leaving out essential clauses in your Deed of Assignment. Download our checklist today and ensure your assignment is legally enforceable. Contact our construction law firm for expert assistance and personalised guidance.

Professional Assistance

Given the complexity of contract law and the importance of getting it right, it’s recommended to seek the assistance of a legal professional when choosing and drafting a deed of assignment. A construction lawyer or solicitor can help ensure that the assignment is legally binding and properly executed, minimising the risk of disputes or legal challenges down the line.


In conclusion, understanding the different types of deeds of assignment is crucial when assigning rights to another party. Absolute, partial, conditional, and collateral assignments each have their specific purposes, and selecting the appropriate type of assignment depends on several factors. Seeking professional assistance is recommended to ensure that the correct assignment is chosen and drafted properly. Further learning and understanding of the different types of deeds of assignment can help in making informed decisions in various legal situations.